Scuba Diving With Dolphin in Hurghada

Scuba Diving With Dolphin in Hurghada
Scuba Diving With Dolphin in Hurghada

Discover the awe-inspiring experience of scuba diving with dolphins in Hurghada. Dive in Hurghada offers an unforgettable adventure, allowing you to swim alongside these majestic creatures. Immerse yourself in the wonders of the Red Sea and create memories that will last a lifetime. Book your diving expedition today and embark on an extraordinary underwater journey with Diving In Hurghada.

Experience the Thrill of Diving With Dolphins in Hurghada

Immerse yourself in the enchanting underwater world of the Red Sea and indulge in a unique adventure of diving with dolphins. This unforgettable encounter with our playful marine friends will leave you captivated and longing for more.

The Allure of Dolphins

Dolphins are fascinating creatures, known for their intelligence, playful nature, and sophisticated communication skills. They are known to exhibit altruism, showing empathy and aid to other dolphins, and even humans in distress. Their playful behaviour and their ability to form close bonds with their kind and other species make them a favourite among divers and marine enthusiasts.

The Dolphin House in Hurghada

Located in the Red Sea near Hurghada, Egypt, the Dolphin House is a natural habitat for dolphins. This marine wonderland is a popular destination for divers, snorkelers, and dolphin lovers who wish to experience the thrill of swimming and interacting with dolphins in their natural environment.

Diving With Dolphins: A Sensational Experience

The experience of diving with dolphins is nothing short of magical. As you descend into the clear, turquoise waters of the Red Sea, you’ll be greeted by a pod of dolphins, swimming freely and playfully in their natural habitat. The sensation of swimming alongside these magnificent creatures, watching them interact with each other, and observing their playful antics is a memory that you’ll cherish forever.

The Dolphin Encounter

During the encounter, you’ll have the opportunity to observe different types of dolphins, including mothers with their babies, young males, and older males. You’ll get to witness their different behaviours, from their playful interactions to their feeding habits.

The Role of Photography and Videography

The thrill of the dolphin encounter is further amplified by the opportunity to document this unforgettable experience. Whether you’re a professional photographer or a hobbyist, capturing these moments on camera will provide you with lifelong memories of this spectacular adventure.

Respecting the Dolphins

Despite their friendly and playful nature, it’s important to remember that dolphins are wild animals. They should be approached with respect and caution. As the saying goes, “Look, but don’t touch.” Always maintain a safe distance from the dolphins and avoid any actions that could disturb or harm them.

Guidelines for a Safe and Respectful Dolphin Encounter

To ensure a safe and respectful encounter with the dolphins, it’s crucial to adhere to certain guidelines. These include:

  1. Always enter the water gently and quietly
  2. Never approach the dolphins directly
  3. Avoid any actions that could disturb or frighten the dolphins
  4. Never touch the dolphins

Our Commitment to Dolphin Conservation

As a responsible diving operator, we are committed to the welfare of the dolphins and their habitat. We strictly adhere to all guidelines and regulations to ensure that our activities have minimal impact on the dolphins and their environment.


With its stunning marine life and clear, warm waters, Hurghada offers the perfect setting for an unforgettable dolphin encounter. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or a beginner, diving with dolphins in Hurghada will be a highlight of your diving adventures. Remember, while we are visitors in their world, it’s our responsibility to respect these magnificent creatures and their habitat.

“One of the most magical experiences I’ve had was diving with dolphins in Hurghada. It’s an encounter I’ll never forget.”

– A satisfied diver


Contact us today to book your unforgettable diving with dolphin experience in Hurghada! Book Now!

FAQs Scuba Diving With Dolphin in Hurghada

Looking to scuba dive with dolphins in Hurghada? Check out our FAQs for everything you need to know about this incredible experience. Find the best dive sites, safety tips, and more! Embark on an adventure of a lifetime!

Are you planning a scuba diving adventure in Hurghada and want to swim with dolphins? Scuba diving with dolphins in Hurghada is a unique and thrilling experience that allows you to interact with these intelligent creatures in their natural habitat. To ensure you have the best experience possible, we have put together a list of frequently asked questions about scuba diving with dolphins in Hurghada.

Is it safe to scuba dive with dolphins in Hurghada?

Scuba diving with dolphins in Hurghada is generally considered safe as long as it is conducted responsibly and with respect for the animals. Dolphins are curious and friendly creatures, but they are still wild animals and should be treated as such. It is important to follow the guidance of your scuba diving instructor and adhere to any rules or regulations put in place to protect both the dolphins and the divers.

Where can I go scuba diving with dolphins in Hurghada?

There are several dive sites in Hurghada where you have the opportunity to encounter dolphins. Some popular dive sites include Shaab El Erg, Abu Ramada, and Giftun Island. These sites offer beautiful coral reefs and the chance to spot dolphins and other marine life. Your dive operator will be able to recommend the best dive sites based on your experience level and preferences.

What should I expect during a scuba diving session with dolphins in Hurghada?

During a scuba diving session with dolphins in Hurghada, you can expect to see these magnificent creatures up close in their natural environment. Dolphins are known for their playfulness and curiosity, so they may approach divers to investigate. It is important to remember that the dolphins may not always want to interact with humans and it is best to let them initiate any contact. Enjoy the sight of these graceful creatures as they swim and play around you.

Do I need any special certifications or experience to scuba dive with dolphins in Hurghada?

To scuba dive with dolphins in Hurghada, you will need to have a scuba diving certification. The specific certification level required may vary depending on the dive site and the dive operator’s requirements. It is recommended to have a minimum certification of Open Water Diver or equivalent. Additionally, some dive operators may require divers to have a certain amount of logged dives to ensure they are comfortable underwater.

What is the best time of year to scuba dive with dolphins in Hurghada?

The best time of year to scuba dive with dolphins in Hurghada is from May to October. During this period, the water temperatures are warm and visibility is generally good. It is also the time when dolphins are more active and often seen in the dive sites around Hurghada. However, dolphin encounters can happen throughout the year, so it is always worth checking with your dive operator for the latest information.

How can I maximize my chances of encountering dolphins during a scuba diving trip in Hurghada?

To increase your chances of encountering dolphins during a scuba diving trip in Hurghada, it is recommended to choose dive sites known for regular dolphin sightings. Additionally, diving in the early morning or late afternoon may also increase your chances of encountering dolphins as they are more active during these times. However, it is important to remember that dolphins are wild animals and their presence cannot be guaranteed.

Can I take photographs or videos of dolphins while scuba diving in Hurghada?

Yes, you can certainly take photographs or videos of dolphins while scuba diving in Hurghada. However, it is essential to do so responsibly and without causing any disturbance to the dolphins or their habitat. It is recommended to maintain a safe distance from the dolphins and avoid using flash photography, as this can be harmful to their eyes. Always prioritize the well-being of the animals and respect their natural behavior.


Scuba diving with dolphins in Hurghada offers an unforgettable and thrilling experience for diving enthusiasts. By following responsible diving practices and respecting the dolphins’ natural behavior, you can have a safe and enjoyable encounter with these beautiful creatures. Remember to choose a reputable dive operator, be properly certified, and adhere to any guidelines provided. Enjoy the magic of swimming with dolphins and create memories that will last a lifetime.