Your Guide to PADI Courses: Diving Certifications in Hurghada

Diving Certifications in Hurghada
Diving Certifications in Hurghada

Hurghada, a jewel by the Red Sea, has become a beacon for divers worldwide, offering an array of PADI courses designed to cater to every level of experience. From the popular PADI Open Water Diver Course to the advanced certification programs such as the DiveMaster Course, each path is meticulously crafted, ensuring a high-quality diving experience amidst some of the most stunning underwater terrains, including notable wreck sites like the Thistlegorm and Giannis D. The region’s renown extends beyond its crystal-clear waters, known for vibrant coral reefs and exhilarating shark sightings, to its accessibility, boasting an international airport, making it a prime destination for pursuing PADI certifications.

In navigating through this guide, readers will gain insight into the comprehensive PADI courses available in Hurghada, underscored by diving certifications from other prestigious organizations such as SSI, CMAS, and SDI. This article not only serves as a gateway to discovering the rich marine life and underwater marvels of Hurghada but also positions Diving Around Diving Center as a premier choice for enthusiasts looking to embark on this captivating journey. With daily diving trips and courses tailored by top certified instructors, the promise of an unparalleled diving adventure awaits.

Overview of Scuba Diving Certifications

Diving certifications in Hurghada span a comprehensive range from beginner to professional levels, facilitated by the renowned Diving Around Diving Center. The center offers a variety of PADI courses, each tailored to enhance the diving skills and knowledge of enthusiasts at every experience level.

Entry-Level Certifications

  1. PADI Open Water Diver Course: This foundational course is a gateway to underwater diving, allowing divers to reach up to 18 meters. It includes theory sessions, confined water dives, and open water practices.
  2. PADI Scuba Diver Course: A shorter course that qualifies you to dive up to 12 meters under direct supervision, perfect for those with limited time but a desire to dive.
  3. PADI Open Water Diver Course Referral: Ideal for those who wish to start their course in their home country and complete their open water dives in the warm, vibrant waters of the Red Sea.

Advanced Certifications

  • PADI Advanced Open Water Diver: This course takes two days and includes dives like the Deep Adventure Dive and Underwater Navigation, with additional elective dives that can be chosen based on personal interest and diving goals.
  • Rescue Diver and Master Scuba Diver: These courses elevate diving prowess, focusing on rescue operations and achieving the highest recreational diving status.

Professional and Commercial Diving Certifications

  • Divemaster and Instructor Levels: For those looking to turn their passion into a profession, these courses provide the necessary training to guide and teach in the diving industry.
  • Commercial Certifications: Including ACDE Commercial Diver and ADCI Commercial Diver certifications, these are designed for those pursuing careers in specialized underwater work such as welding and large-scale underwater operations.

Each course at Diving Around Diving Center is available in multiple languages to cater to a global clientele, ensuring that all participants receive the best possible training in a language they are comfortable with. The center prides itself on its high-quality instruction and state-of-the-art equipment, making it a leading choice for diving education in Hurghada.

Hurghada’s diving scene is enriched by an array of certifications tailored to divers at all levels. Among the most sought-after is the PADI Open Water Diver Course, offered at Diving Around Diving Center. This course, pivotal for beginners, spans 3 to 4 days and costs approximately 350.00€. It includes comprehensive training in dive equipment and techniques, ensuring divers are well-prepared to explore up to 18 meters underwater. The package also encompasses a dive instructor, all necessary diving gear, and additional services like local transfers and certification fees.

For those looking to advance their skills, the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course is a popular choice. This course allows divers to deepen their understanding over two days for 350.00€. It covers essential advanced techniques, including deep and navigational dives, and provides all required equipment along with certification costs. Participants must be at least 12 years old and hold a PADI Open Water Diver certification to enroll.

Diving Around Diving Center also offers specialized courses such as the PADI Rescue Diver Course and the PADI Dive Master Course, catering to those aiming to enhance their diving proficiency or step into professional roles. The Rescue Diver Course, priced at 450€, spans 3-5 days and equips divers with skills to manage dive emergencies effectively. Meanwhile, the Dive Master Course, a gateway to professional diving, costs 750€ and can be completed in as little as 14 days, though it does not include the cost of books and certification.

which scuba Diving certifications are available in hurghada?

In Hurghada, the range of scuba diving certifications caters to every level of diver, from the novice to the seasoned professional. At the forefront, the PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) certifications are highly sought after. These start with the PADI Open Water Diver course, ideal for beginners, and extend up to the PADI Dive Master and Instructor courses for those looking to make a career in diving.

Adding to the diversity, SSI (Scuba Schools International) certifications are also available, offering similar beginner to advanced courses, each designed to provide comprehensive diving education and skills development. For those interested in more specialized diving, CMAS (Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques) and SDI (Scuba Diving International) certifications provide additional avenues, focusing on technical diving skills and advanced dive theory.

Diving Around Diving Center in Hurghada enhances this experience by offering daily diving trips and courses, supported by top certified instructors from around the world and Egypt. Their programs are tailored to ensure the best diving experience, accommodating divers’ individual needs and preferences in multiple languages. This commitment to quality and customer satisfaction positions Diving Around Diving Center as a premier destination for pursuing scuba diving certifications in Hurghada.

Choosing the Right Certification for Your Level

When selecting the ideal scuba diving certification, it’s essential to consider your current skill level and diving aspirations. The PADI courses offered by Diving Around Diving Center in Hurghada cater to all levels, from beginners to those aiming for professional diving careers. For novices, the PADI Open Water Diver course is an excellent start, allowing divers to explore up to 12m/40 feet under professional guidance. More experienced divers might consider the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver, which extends diving capabilities to 30 meters or 100 feet.

For those who wish to specialize, PADI offers courses like the Wreck Diver and Enriched Air Diver. These specialty certifications enable divers to explore specific interests in diving, enhancing both skill and knowledge. The Wreck Diver certification, for instance, focuses on safe wreck exploration techniques, while the Enriched Air Diver course is designed to extend bottom time and reduce nitrogen exposure, crucial for longer dives.

Diving Around Diving Center not only provides a broad range of PADI certifications but also supports divers with e-Learning materials in multiple languages, catering to international divers. The center ensures a comprehensive diving education, from equipment knowledge to emergency procedures, making it a top choice for both local and visiting divers in Hurghada.


Embarking on a scuba diving journey in Hurghada with Diving Around Diving Center unlocks a world of underwater marvels, guided by the expertise of top certified instructors from worldwide and Egypt. Through an in-depth exploration of PADI, SSI, SDI, and CMAS certifications, divers of all levels can find a course tailored to their skills and aspirations, from the foundational PADI Open Water Diver Course to professional level certifications such as the DiveMaster Course. This guide has seamlessly woven through the vast array of courses offered, highlighting the unique opportunity to engage with Hurghada’s rich marine life and stunning underwater terrains, making every dive not just a lesson but an unforgettable adventure.

Moreover, the significance of choosing the right certification is paramount, as it paves the way for divers to safely and confidently explore the depths of the sea, whether it be the enchanting wreck sites or the vibrant coral reefs Hurghada is renowned for. The commitment of Diving Around Diving Center to provide a comprehensive diving education, coupled with the convenience of daily diving trips, reinforces its stature as a premier destination for diving enthusiasts seeking the best diving experience. Welcome to Diving Around Diving Center in Hurghada, where the promise of tailored diving courses and unforgettable daily diving trips awaits every enthusiast looking to explore the underwater realm.


Yes, Hurghada is highly regarded for diving, offering daily dive trips and serving as a popular departure point for liveaboard adventures. These liveaboard trips set off from Hurghada to explore a diverse array of diving sites located to the north and south.

Which location offers a better diving experience, Sharm El Sheikh or Hurghada?

Choosing between Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh depends on your preferences. Hurghada boasts more hotels with house reefs, which is ideal for snorkeling. However, if you prefer a smaller town vibe with a stronger emphasis on diving, Sharm El Sheikh is the better choice.

How challenging is the PADI Open Water Course?

The PADI Open Water Course is manageable for most people, especially with the help of a skilled Dive Instructor. The exam portion of the course is generally considered easy, particularly if your instructor has thoroughly explained all the necessary dive theory.

What are some dive sites in Hurghada?

Hurghada is home to several renowned dive sites including:

  • Abu Hashish: An island situated in a wide bay, about 90 minutes south of Hurghada.
  • Banana Reef
  • Ben El Gebel
  • Careless Reef
  • El Aruk
  • El Fanadir
  • Erg Abu Ramada
  • Erg Sabrina

These sites offer diverse underwater environments suitable for various levels of diving experience.